What does it mean to imitate Christ?
We have all been called to salvation by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our aim is now to imitate Christ; to clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ in all walks of our lives. How we do we imitate Christ Jesus?
Firstly, we must have the same mindset as Jesus. Jesus was the Son of God who never considered equality with God something to be used to his own advantage. He never boasted on His son-ship for personal gains. On the other hand, he acknowledged God, our Heavenly Father, to cast out demons from others. He accepted God, the Father's will to become man, to become His servant and die on the cross for all mankind. He showed that obedience is the first step to son-ship of God, the Father.
Secondly, he showed us the importance of personal prayer.The gospel tells us in many places that Jesus went away from the crowd to be alone with God, to take His quiet time with His father. If the Son of God wanted so much of personal prayer, how much do we - mere coheirs with Christ - need our quiet time.
Lastly, Jesus was always filled with compassion and love. While he hated sins, he was never hostile against sinners.
Let us pledge ourselves to imitate Christ today in every way he taught us.